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Startupclubs Demo Day Pune - Runner Up.
Winners of the Demo Day from each city will get a chance to participate in the Chennai finale where they stand a chance to meet investors and also win prize of Rs 5 lakh. From Pune, InstaKYC was the winner, with Softusvista as the runners up. -Read More

If you've even been taken for a ride by local taxi and auto drivers looking to make a fast buck, here's how you can couter them. A new website, provides extensive information on commuting in Mumbai as well as 20 other Indian cities across nine countries. The site helps users calculate the taxi and auto fare to local destinations and displays a Google Map with the detailed route and distance... -Read More

"Fewer options for vehicle-users"
Websites such as http:// provide a rough estimate of the monthly/annual expenditure on fuel, based on current prices. By tracking changes in mileage after adopting strategies such as maintaining an optimum fuel efficiency speed of 45 kmph, sparing use of air-conditioner in case of a car, and switching off the engine at traffic signals, the amount of savings can be calculated.... -Read More

"Petrol pinch: Log on to see how much you spend on fuel"
WEBSITE THAT HELPS ONE CALCULATE HOWMUCHMONEY IS BEING SPENT ON PETROL, DIESEL OR CNG LAUNCHED. Petrol prices are rising with an alarming regularity, with the latest increase being the ninth in as many months. In such expensive times, it has become important for people to calculate their day-to-day expenses, especially since the cost petrol seems to be going up in an upward spiral. City-based software company SoftUsvista has created a pan-India website, which helps one calculate how much money is being spent on petrol, diesel or CNG on a day-to-day, monthly and yearly basis... -Read More

"Mouse to tag banks, count cab fare"
PUNE-BASED ENTREPRENEUR TO HELP HARASSED COMMUTERS ACROSS 20 CITIES. It was in one of those heated arguments with an autorickshaw driver over fare that later ignited a simple idea in the mind of Swapneel Shah, a 28-year-old computer engineer from Pune, to start a website that gives pre-calculated fares to commuters... -Read More

"ऑटो-टैक्सी ड्राइवरों की मनमानी से मिलेगी निजात"
अनजान शहरों में ऑटो रिक्शा और टैक्सी वालों की अनाप शनाप मांग से तंग हो गए हों तो एक वेबसाइट की मदद से इससे निजात पा सकते है. टैक्सीऑटोफअर डॉट कोम नाम की इस वेबसाइट पर दिल्ली एवं अन्य महानगरों के साथ साथ अहमदाबाद, अमृतसर, लुधियाना, चंडीगढ़ और जयपुर समेत १८ से भी ज्यादा शहरों की जानकारी है. इसमें फेयर चार्ट के साथ साथ विभिन्न स्थानों के बीच की दूरी की गणना, उस दुरी का भाडा और नक्षा भी दिया हुआ है... -Read More

"अमरिकी वेबसाइट पर लोकल किराया"
एनसीआर समेत १८ शहरों के लिए फेयर पोर्टल लांच किया. ऑटो और टैक्सी वालों की मनमाना किराया वसूलने की आदत पर सरकार और प्रशासन तो अंकुश नहीं लगा पा रहा है लेकिन एक कंपनी ने आम आदमी को इस ठाग्मारी से लड़ने का हथियार मुहैया करा दिया है... -Read More

"Now Check Auto Fare, Best City Routes Online"
Anyone who visits Ahmedabad or any other city for the first time always wonders how much will a trip from the airport or railway station cost. The person also wonders how much — and how long — will he/she have to haggle with auto or taxi drivers... -Read More
The same article was published throughout Gujrat on NOV 16, 2010 and can be read in this article.

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